Monday, February 11, 2013

harbingers of spring

My neighbor called last night to say he saw a rabbit in his garden.  I've been watching the deer dine (gorge) themselves on fresh grass, and we had a squirrel here, a huge one, grey and so beautiful I watched him for twenty minutes. I have been willing spring to burst forth  by making these new animal busts on woodland stands.
 Running water! counters and light in the kitchen. And a beautifully stained floor thanks to Kim.
I've got piles of boxes to unpack, I hope my wooden spoons turn up soon, and my teas. Can you believe I packed them away in December. What was I thinking?
I make my first donkey bust!

Here's the other side of the kitchen. We are going to move the table in this afternoon after I fill the hutch..........
I can't think of a happier way to spend a Monday afternoon.
Here's a close up of the shelf Joe made. I've been using my old cafĂ© au lait bowls and it makes coffee and tea taste delicious.

There's the kind of blue/turquoise tea kettle I told you about. Do you like my cleaning supplies on the fridge?  Did I go overboard with the kitchen pictures? I did try and show some restraint~
honest I did.

Thanks for your visit my dears. I haven't been visiting blogs as much as I love and enjoy doing so because of the hub bub around the farm, but things seem to be settling down a bit.
Wear your warmest socks; and drink lots of fortifying tea. I hope you see signs of spring around your own farm too.