Friday, March 22, 2013

Making spoons

 This is the way I make spoons.

 I form the clay into a sort of scone shape;

 And start to pinch the bowl section of the spoon, working fast so the clay doesn't dry.
When I have a shape I like , I set it aside and pull out a piece for the hande that will complement the bowl.

 I roll out the handle, splaying my fingers using very little pressure so the snake doesn't loose it's shape.
 These are my three favorite tools. A needle tool, a scorer and a milled tool I found in an old tool box, that I use everyday. I'm always looking for things to use, this one has a little square on one end a flat circle on the other.

 I score the fat end of the handle, and the underneath bowl of spoon where I want them to fuse.
Press gently in place.
Then I push in my toolbox find and pass it through. I has to be placed low enough so the weight of the spoon doesn't cause it to weaken after use.
Sometimes I paint the spoons with flowers, because I see them outside and all around the house lately
Golden ranunculus over the mantle,
Alstramarias, button flower chrysanthemums and chamomile in the kitchen

In fact everything is starting to swell and gain volume daily. Pretty soon these peas will be for sale at the roadside stand.

And golden poppies already making the hillsides sunny.

This is a different method of making. Its 'slumped' in an old treen spoon. Next time!
xxx julie

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Inside, and outside

This is the town where I live. Each March the wild plum trees put on their white dresses.
Pink ones too.
I stay inside for a bit, arrange boquets;
Make this new Paris Tea., boy is it good.
But I think I hear seagulls,
and the fog has blown away and the cows are out again.
I've been working in the mornings. This is a light house, its glows at night with a tealight inside

Made a new shape platter,

 A fox that took a month of Sundays to dry, he is almost life sized. Is an entire fox next?
Then its out the door again!xxx