Friday, April 13, 2012

Cookie cottage

The cookie cottage nestled in a clearing. Warm cinnamon buns lined the path to the front door. The roof was shingled with peanut butter criss cross cookies, and there was an apple pie plant too. A three layer cake spinned above the house as a weathervane. Hansel bit into a candy cane and Gretel chewed a warm bun, filled with raisins.

The badger rustled up from his den. Trouble was afoot. He could smell it~

Foxy witch peered around at the children from a frosted butter cookie flower.

She had been baking all morning and was hungry, simply ravenous!

Squirrel set aside his flute, and told the bluebird to warn the children.

Bluebird did not like to fly by the house, even though the cherries on the cake looked tempting.

The witchy fox began to creep towards Hansel and Gretel, with her most widest grin.


Next time:

Hansel and Gretel are invited to High Tea

P.S. Thought you might like to see the amazing Brian Wildsmith's version of the witches cottage.



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