Wednesday, May 23, 2012

garden girls

Last weekend was the Garden Tour here in Cambria. When I wasn't planting or watering, I've been working on a new painting .

In between times I went garden hopping myself. I saw window boxes that defied the laws of physics they were so full and lush.

I picked flowers

I started a new book

It's cover reminded me of an older one, that never does fade in our hearts.

A drive to see wildflowers is always the perfect way to spend a May afternoon , there's lot of mustard and poppys lately and big patches of pink wild sweet peas

This is one of my favorite images to paint, So I put it in my big painting below. I brought it in to photograph and realized I forgot to add the wallpaper design; its going to be pale white primroses. Its a big painting for me, 36 x 24. I looked forward to working on it every morning for weeks, I'm glad I still have a little bit left before I finish.

The kitty is a garden girl too, and wears a bell around her neck to warn the birds.

Thank you for visiting and your kind comments! And thanks too to my new followers~

Happy gardeningxxx julie

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